DIG Ready Industrial Ground Thaw Mats Are THE Tool to Get You Out of a Jam!

Whether you need to dig in deep frost, pour concrete in winter, clear a roof of snow and ice, or thaw frozen pipes in subzero weather DIG Ready can get you back to work without the mess and hassle of other thawing solutions or machines.

Available immediately in the US and Canada

DIG Ready Industrial Ground Thaw Is THE Tool to Get You Out of a Jam!

Frozen pipes in subzero weather? No problem. DIG Ready can solve the problem without digging.

Have to dig in deep frost? No problem. DIG Ready has thawed everything from Permafrost in the Yukon to the mountaintops in Colorado with thawing mats not machines.

Need to rebuild an indoor ice skating rink? DIG Ready is being used to thaw decades-old Permafrost with our thawing mats to make way for new construction. And without having to dig! Click here to download a white paper.

Need to clear a roof of ice and snow? Throw a DIG Ready thawing mat up there and kick up your feet for a while.

Need to pour concrete but it’s too cold? We’ve got the solution!

Don’t believe us? Listen to our customers.


See DIG Ready Ground Thaw Mats In Action

Have Questions?
Call us at 833-975-1919.

Even permafrost at 14,276 feet elevation on Mt. Antero in Colorado can’t stop DIG Ready from working miracles.

These prospectors are using DIG Ready mats to thaw permafrost so they can mine for aquamarine.

Watch their new season of Mt. Antero Treasures.

From a Solar Power Installer

“My biggest problem was thawing the ground to be able to trench to the power pole. I used to destroy equipment trying to get it done. Now I just put down the DIG Ready mats and I cut through the ground like butter. The best thing is, I get paid when it’s hooked up.”

From a Septic Installer

“I use DIG Ready mats to thaw frozen septic fields. I can then put off installing in a new field until spring. If they want a new septic field right away, I can do it in a completely thawed field. It’s not a thaw mat, but a cash machine.”

From an Excavator

“I used to work six months out of the year.  Now, I work 12 months a year. I love the DIG Ready mats because I am the only excavator working in the winter. I am also the only one making money. I can charge almost anything.”

DIG Ready Industrial Ground Thaw mats are essential tools for building, excavation, road construction, and utility businesses that must maintain effective operating schedules regardless of frigid winter temperatures.

  • Frozen ground can be thawed below the frost line in only 48-72 hours, even in the most brutal weather conditions.
  • DIG Ready dries the ground as it thaws, removing moisture. Thawed gravel can be recycled and used or sold separately. 
  • Thawed ground remains warm and dry for up to five days after thawing (provided it’s covered), ready for efficient excavation.
  • DIG Ready costs pennies per square foot per day to operate.

    Providing Immediate Frozen Ground Thaw Mats in the U.S. and Canada to:

    Construction companies | Oilfield operations | Drilling operations |Excavation contractors | Solar Power installers | Electrical Grid contractors | Utilities

    © 2024 DIG Ready | 833-975-1919 |  www.digready.com
